First Squash Harvest & Herb Garden

0-1squashI harvested my first green egg squash. It grew at sonic speed after the storm we had the night before. 0-2squashThe rule at our home is the first squash of the season should be fried, but since a few years ago we avoid greasy foods, so our first squash are stir fried instead of deep fried.0-3squashI picked some chard, green onions, onion chives, garlic chives, sweet basil and rosemary to add to the stir-fry along with orange peppers that I froze last gardening season. The stir fry was delicious.0-4squashWe grew everything in this stir fry, except for the olive oil that we used to stir fry the veggies. I think that’s awesome!chef

 Now for the reveal from the teaser in my ‘Friday in Green‘ post.

herbgardenWe got carried away with buying herbs and had no choice but to make an herb garden.
My husband picked out the cute birdbath for the center of the herb garden. We think Mickey and Minnie Mouse are so adorable. My husband planted some celosia flowers to add color to the herb garden.
I figure by fall, if the weather acts right, the herb garden should be quite productive.
I figure most of the herbs won’t survive a winter, but we’ll wait and see.

You may have noticed that I have 3 rosemary plants; the one in the pot that I’ve been posting about for awhile and 2 plants in the herb garden.
My brother sent me a ‘Rosemary Madeline’ plant for my herb garden. It’s supposed to be hardy in our growing zone. I hope it survives the winter and grows well.
My husband also bought a rosemary to grow in the herb garb garden. I don’t know what it is other than rosemary. Like the rosemary that I bought, in the produce department, it didn’t have any other name or variety info on it’s plant stake. I’ve checked several garden centers around here and they all grow/sell rosemary but none label what specific variety it is.P1000599aI originally planted peppermint and chocolate mint in the herb garden, but after reading up on the mints and how invasive a plant they can be, I transplanted them into pots and keep them on my porch. By-the-way, the chocolate mint smells like a andes mint or a york peppermint patty. I haven’t tasted it yet though. P1000500aYou can tell from the photo that my sweet basil and cinnamon basil are growing well. My lemon basil is the pot on the far right, it isn’t growing as fast. I’ve replanted the lemon basil seeds at least 5 times and only a few plants have come up. I believe there is something wrong with the seeds like they’re old or something. However, if the plants I have growing now survive they’ll be just fine for being greenery on my back-porch and maybe for flavoring a food from time-to-time.

Except for the herbs in our stir-fry, I haven’t used most of the other varieties. However, I’m planning to look up some recipes to try them out. I hope I can stick to my plan and maybe I’ll discover some tasty recipes.

Wishing you all a happy weekend!

15 thoughts on “First Squash Harvest & Herb Garden

  1. wonderful gardens! glad you got the mint out of the garden before you were sorry – it is a great plant if you want to go into the mint business, but otherwise, it is a good idea to grow it in pots. 🙂 Not sure of the varieties of things you have there, but I would not be surprised if at least the chives and lavender survive the winter. And chives are so pretty in the spring. 🙂

    Stir fry looks delicious. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Salpal
    I think they should put a warning label on mint for folks like me who bought them unaware. They do smell wonderful though.
    I’ve had this lavender growing for about 3 years. I’ve moved it 3 times. I’m hoping it continues to thrive in this new garden.I think you’re right about the chives. Hopefully, other herbs will survive. 🙂


  3. You were wise to move your mint to the pot. I have some mint in my flower garden, and I’m always pulling mint plants that have spread to areas where I don’t want them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sheryl
      Mint must really be a invasive and hardy plant. It’s good that it’s a good plant though. Maybe someday you’ll have it all under control. 🙂


  4. I can’t help but wonder if some of your herbs will be butterfly host plants. I plant fennel for the caterpillars to munch, and they ate the parsley, too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Patti
      I hope they will. The lavender has butterflies visiting it’s blooms. I really need to look the others up on a search engine and see if they bloom. I’m not familiar with fennel. It sounds great for the caterpillars. I like parsley, it smells great and tastes great and supposedly is good for you… however I quit cooking with it because it’s a natural diuretic and that can be an issue. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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