Pretty Harvest of Squash

squash-6-11-2016Our squash is beginning to produce. I love how pretty they are in a picture. And how tasty they are too. 😉

Below is a photo with their variety names on them:
straight-neck squash, green egg squash & golden egg squash
squashnames-6-11-2016I was more careful this year with planting only a couple of seeds of a few varieties so we wouldn’t get caught in our normal tidal wave of squash… but squash tends to come in waves anyway…
We’ve already given away several squash and now we have this half bushel. There’s oodles of baby squash and blooms in the garden so in a few days we’ll have more. Tasty and pretty Tidal wave here we come.

Wishing you all a pretty productive week!spring-017

13 thoughts on “Pretty Harvest of Squash

  1. Mom only planted “crookneck”. Sometimes, someone would give us the little round white squash – “simlins”, they’re called around here?
    Looks like you have a lovely crop!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Dianna
        You taught me something. I didn’t realize patty-pan squash was called ‘cymlings’. Interesting. I grew some patty-pans for a couple of years. They’re a pretty squash, but not near as tasty as crookneck. I haven’t found a squash yet that tastes better than crookneck or straightneck… but I keep trying. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. it amazes me that you have this harvest already. I just planted carrot and lettuce seeds this weekend – nothing even up yet! And tomato plants went in a week or so ago. It will be ages before we can eat anything that isn’t perennial. 😦


    • Hey Salpal
      I recently just had a similar conversation with one of our neighbors. She was happy to get a fresh mess of squash, but was surprised at how far ahead our gardening is as compared to other folks. Gardening is our Spring/Summer hobby. I start seeds inside fairly early in the Spring and as soon as the weather breaks my husband tills the soil. And then we plant seeds or plants as the season allows.
      Hopefully, it won’t be too terribly long before you can see blooms and new seedlings in your garden. Happy Gardening. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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