Finished C2C Bias Blanket Crochet Kit

In an earlier post about the ‘On the Bias Square Afghan’ crochet kit project I was working on, I mentioned about increasing the size 15 inches and needing another skein of yarn? Well, as it turned out, instead of 1 more skein, I needed 2 more skeins. That makes 4 skeins to make this blanket. (although I only used about 1/3 of the 4th skein) Thankfully this yarn’s soft creamy antique white color matched in all 4 skeins.

With my guessing about rows to increase the size, I miscalculated and turned the original square into a rectangle. It measures 60 inches by 72 inches. It’s a really nice large size blanket.

Unfortunately, it’s got a bit of a warp to it and doesn’t fold up evenly.  It’s still a warm blanket and it quite pretty too.

I made-up a different border than the solid one in the original pattern. I figure I had plenty of yarn, might as well use it. I think my border gave it a bit more character.
I’m glad this blanket is finished. I enjoyed making it. I’m not in a hurry to start another big project, but it doesn’t mean I won’t. I can never tell about me. ☺️

I’m now searching for my next project, I wonder what it will be.

Wishing you all Happy Crafting Success!

Bias crochet blanket update

I’m still enjoying this crochet pattern. This past weekend, I was happy when I reached the half-way point. Okay, I must admit that it wouldn’t have taken so long, but I decided to add 15 inches to the blanket. I did the math and the 2 skeins of yarn that I originally purchased with the kit might get me 3/4 of the way finished, more or less. I ordered another skein and for sure that will be enough to finish the blanket… (I hope)

Wishing you all a week of enjoyable projects.


Tote Bag Handle – Practice crochet project

I’m using the ‘Knifty Knitter’ icord spool loom to make the handles for my Burgundy and Gray Tote Bag. Well, right now, that’s my plan. If they don’t look good, I’ll make some other kind.

For the first time, (as best as I can remember), I bought a ‘crochet kit’. It’s C2C pattern, (but not the C2C block stitch pattern I usually use.) called ‘On the Bias Square Afghan’.
I’m practicing with scrap yarn before I use the yarn that comes with the kit. It’s a good choice on my part, because, as you can see in the picture, I’ve got quite a few mistakes on my practice piece. I’ll start on the actual Afghan when I’m more comfortable with the stitch pattern. I’m looking forward to making it.

Happy Crafting!