Finished C2C Bias Blanket Crochet Kit

In an earlier post about the ‘On the Bias Square Afghan’ crochet kit project I was working on, I mentioned about increasing the size 15 inches and needing another skein of yarn? Well, as it turned out, instead of 1 more skein, I needed 2 more skeins. That makes 4 skeins to make this blanket. (although I only used about 1/3 of the 4th skein) Thankfully this yarn’s soft creamy antique white color matched in all 4 skeins.

With my guessing about rows to increase the size, I miscalculated and turned the original square into a rectangle. It measures 60 inches by 72 inches. It’s a really nice large size blanket.

Unfortunately, it’s got a bit of a warp to it and doesn’t fold up evenly.  It’s still a warm blanket and it quite pretty too.

I made-up a different border than the solid one in the original pattern. I figure I had plenty of yarn, might as well use it. I think my border gave it a bit more character.
I’m glad this blanket is finished. I enjoyed making it. I’m not in a hurry to start another big project, but it doesn’t mean I won’t. I can never tell about me. ☺️

I’m now searching for my next project, I wonder what it will be.

Wishing you all Happy Crafting Success!

4 thoughts on “Finished C2C Bias Blanket Crochet Kit

  1. I can never tell with me either! What project will leap out at me next? Could be one that’s been on my favourites list for five years… but could be one I just saw this morning 😁

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow, E.C.! This one is such a beauty!! The antique white color is perfect for it, and I’m so glad all of your skeins matched. Has Shellibean claimed the blanket now, haha…

    Liked by 1 person

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