Redwork Update, 1st corn harvest, surprise squash

I finally chose a fabric for the borders of my redwork block. I ordered it and it should be here in a couple weeks. The fabric company I ordered from has good prices, but they are slower with shipping than I’m used too. I hope the fabric is the right weight to work well with my blocks. The weight of fabric is one of the hardest parts about shopping online. Oh well, I’ll know soon enough.
As close as I can figure, I’ve got 2 more redwork blocks to go. I’m enjoying making them, but I’ll be glad when they’re all finished and ready to be made into a quilt top. Here’s an edited photo of the blocks I’ve finished so far since I returned to doing my redwork project.

My husband harvested 4 ears of peaches and cream corn for our supper Sunday evening. It was really good, but it wasn’t as sweet and tasty as in previous years. We wonder if might have something to do with the dry Summer we’ve had.

While harvesting squash the other day, my husband discovered that we have a light color acorn squash growing. Since we planted only dark green Early Acorn squash seeds, the light color one on a separate vine is quite a surprise. I think it may be called a golden acorn squash. I hope it gets the chance to mature before the evil squash vine borers kills the vine. Surprise veggies put an extra bit of fun in gardening.

Wishing you all have a fun week.


A Return to Redwork

I haven’t worked on my redwork since 2014. We had a lot going on in our lives back then and I couldn’t give it the attention it requires. So, I folded it up and put it away. Fortunately, I had the good sense to put the redwork fabric, embroidery thread and supplies all together in a bag and there they stayed in the drawer for the past 4 years. Having the supplies altogether sure made it handy for me when I decided to return to it.

I went back through my blog posts and read about my redwork. I’ve changed a couple of my plans for it. I’m not going to dye the fabric and I’ve cut the blocks apart. I plan to add a small print red fabric border on the blocks. As it turns out, planning to use a border and cutting the blocks apart was a good move for me because now I only have a few blocks to go, whereas when I had the fabric in one large piece I needed like 16 more pictures to embroider.

This morning, in an effort to try to arrange the blocks in some sort of order, I laid a sheet on the floor and began to lay out the blocks. Shelibean decided that what the blocks needed was for him to test them for comfort. He found them to be quite comfortable and napped there for about 20 minutes. I didn’t mind, he was cute sleeping peacefully and I was busy going through my coloring pictures and trying to choose some for the last few blocks.I’m glad to have my redwork as an active work-in-progress once again. My Redwork is the perfect example of my starting a project and some times needing to leave it alone until the time is right for me to finish it. It doesn’t really bother me having unfinished projects, matters-a-fact there’s a strange sense of comfort in it for me. Although, from time-to-time I need to finish my unfinished projects before starting new ones. Now that I’ve got my redwork going again, I hope I can keep up my motivation and finish it before the Summer is over, that would make me so happy.

Have a happy weekend.

*Related Redwork Posts


Box of Colors Redwork Block

IMG_6776My Redwork block for today is from my love of coloring and coloring pictures (which this picture was on my ex-website)

I’m thinking I might should go get the grandson’s colors and color up a Spring time scene and tape it to the window. I do believe that’s the only way Spring is going to arrive this year… yes, I know it’s January and full on winter time, but we’re experiencing rare cold and snowy weather for our region and it only makes Spring seem that much further away.  ~sad sigh~

I’m thankful that so far snows in our region have been light and fleeting. My warm thoughts go out to the regions where folks are getting snowed under or are having heavy snows. I feel so sad for you all. I hope you all can put on a pot of soup and stay indoors until the roads are cleared and safer to drive on.

Here’s wishing you all warm thoughts
and happy dreams of Spring.



Cat Redwork Block & Special Gifts

1-23-2014rwHere’s my Redwork block made from a coloring picture that I made of a Siamese-mix cat my Bff had once upon a time. He was a beauty named Simon and had a sweet personality.
I’m posting this block to remind everyone to take extra precautions with the pets during these freezing cold temperatures. Try to give them a warm place to sleep and plenty of food to eat.

IMG_7549We got a light dusting of snow the other day. The temperatures are in the low teens again. It’s so cold the sun doesn’t even want to come for but a few scant moments at a time. I miss the sunshine and warm weather. Oh well, eventually, Spring will peek it’s green little self out from the ground and then we’ll have a ‘last frost’ and then it’ll be full blown gardening season again.

Last year we decided that we wasn’t going to have a garden this year except for a couple herbs and tomatoes plants in my porch garden. However, since my husband has healed so wonderfully from his heart surgery and is feeling ever so much better, we’re now talking about having a garden again this year. Not a huge one, but we are going to try to have a small one.
IMG_7554I was so happy about our planning for a garden that I told my Brother. He was happy to hear it because he’s been worried about my husband (and me too.) He ordered me a recipe book and a gardening book and some seeds to help get our garden planning off to a good start. It’s so sweet of him to give me such a special and a most appreciated gift.
There’s some really delicious recipes in the book that I’m looking forward to trying. And I’m anxious to try some of the advice in the other book to grow the tomato seeds my brother gave me.  I can hardly wait to kick off another gardening season.

I can’t seem to get myself organized this week. I’m going to try to get caught up with my blogging, visiting and commenting today. Try being the key word here. 😉

Wishing you all terrific Thursday.
Bundle up and keep warm!