The Corn Critter

The other day, while sitting on the back porch enjoying the first cooler temperatures of the season in a month, my husband says, “There’s something moving a corn-stalk in the garden.” We watched the jiggling corn-stalk for a moment then he grabbed the binoculars and I grabbed my camera. We went out into the yard got a good angle on the garden and this is what we saw. Thank goodness for a zoom lens.Isn’t it adorable?
Every year we see signs of raccoons in our corn, but this cutie critter is the first time we actually seen a one in our corn. We got a good chuckle at seeing it. I’m glad I got a few photos of it too. It’s my first raccoon photos ever.

Since the corn wasn’t as tasty this year, we decided to leave the bulk of it in the garden for the critters. Later on, after the stalks turn brown and dry out, we’ll pick any corn ears left. We’ll shell the corn and scatter it on the ground for the critters that forage and eats the hard corn kernels.

Wishing you all a week full of smiles.


Triop – 14 days old

Right now, my hubby & I fondly refer to the triop as ‘Rex’ (our grandson may rename him though). Rex is growing quickly (it’s probably partly because he ate all the fairy shrimp.) Rex may be full grown, depending on which website you read.

Yesterday, I managed to make an okay video of Rex swimming. It’s pretty neat that he/she actually looks like the 200 million year old fossil of it’s forefathers.

Rex’s a pretty neat critter. I’m happy it’s doing so well, so far.

Wishing you all a pleasant week!
