Random Five Friday – 10-7-2016

p1070804Yesterday morning I looked out and saw a herd of deer in our backyard. I grabbed my camera and took some photos and a movie.

hrbbrdSomething killed a bird and also dug up the corner of my herb garden. We can’t imagine what made such a mess.
p1070854Our ornamental pear trees are full of little fruits. The birds and critters really enjoy these. It’s ashame the pears are inedible for humans.
brdcrxI’m making some progress on my cross stitch. Having other color threads loaded on needles is the way to go.
p1070927No reason for this photo, it helps make 5 randoms
I just think it’s a pretty marigold.
Wishing you all a safe and pleasant weekend.


Random Friday Five – daylily, cross stitch, 3rd man book, clouds & leaves

p1060785One of my daylilies surprised us with a late season bloom. It’s bittersweet knowing it’s probably one of the last blooms of the season.


cardicrosI’ve started a cross stitch project. Decades ago, I enjoyed cross stitch. I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it now. I’m happy to say that I can still do cross stitch and enjoy it. It’s not a big piece, but all the stops and thread changes make my progress slow.
I decided to do a holiday decoration. Hopefully, I’ll have it finished by Christmas and can display it with the other holiday decor.


3rdmanFor me, there’s nothing quite like the feel of an actual physical book. I’ve read many ebooks and have oodles of them through the familiar electronic book distributers, but there’s some books that I prefer to read in the physical form. This is one of those books.

The Third Man Factor By John Geiger
Surviving the Impossible

Hardcover edition 2009
Stories are based on true events and witness accounts

Comprehension level is moderate.
Type face is good size.

The Third Man Factor is about ‘humans under extreme conditions’ that feel another anomalous person or presence near by. The anomalous 3rd man travels along with them giving them helpful advice and encouragement to survive. The ‘3rd man’ is what the presence is called in the book. The presence may be female. It can be an anomalous person, a relative, friend, angel, guardian, spirit or animal or I suppose just about anything.

Sometimes the ‘person in the extreme condition’ may see the 3rd man in physical form and sometimes even have conversations. Sometimes they communicate telepathy with the 3rd man. Sometimes the 3rd man is a shadowy figure. Sometimes the 3rd man is never seen at all and only felt.

I’m about half way through the book. It’s interesting reading. There’s stories from survivors from many ill fated situations. The book has so far discussed the 3rd man as being a guardian angel, a hallucination or like a spirit.


p1060793We’ve been getting some major glorious cloud formations. I wish I could afford a camera that could produce photos that more successfully shows the gorgeousness of the sky filled with these busy clouds.


9-15-2016-leavesThe leaves are turning brown and falling down announcing Autumn is close at hand. Soon the air will carry a chill as the trees and flora will go to sleep for a long winters nap.


Wishing you all a happy weekend!


Random Friday Five- (updated) snow, seedlings, girlscout cookies, yarn, abreva

IMG_93821) What a difference a day makes. The above photo was yesterday. The lower photo is today.
This area is where my garden is. I look forward to when it will be filled with growing veggies.IMG_9417
edited in 2-28-2015
My husband was looking at my blog this morning and pointed out that the top snow picture isn’t exactly the same angle as the no-snow one. So I went through my photos from the 26th and was happy to find one that’s real close to the same area as the no-snow one.
So, here it is, the same areas one day apart.
It still fascinates how fast winter snow storms come and go.IMG_9367

IMG_94192) My basil has sprouted and is growing into happy little seedlings.

IMG_90373) With the help of our Grandson, we’ve polished off 5 boxes of girlscout cookies. We certainly enjoyed them.
I buy girlscout cookies from my great-niece who lives in a small town far away from me. I send extra money to have the cookies shipped to me. I love helping her whenever I can.
My problem runs into the Girlscouts of the area I live in. It’s tough to see the little girls in the cold and/or windy weather selling cookies outside some of the local businesses. They’re so pitiful shivering and calling out to passers-by to sell cookies. I respond to their beckonings by explaining to them that I’ve already bought cookies from my niece in another town.
*Here’s what I think might make it better for the girlscouts: I wish the girlscouts would offer a badge that I could buy with their troup number on it and the year I bought cookies from them. When the other troups see it, they’ll know I support Girlscouts and I’ve done bought cookies. Then they don’t have to leave a warm spot to call out for me to buy cookies. The Girlscouts could even switch colors or something on the badges every year so it’s recognizable by sight. Do you think badges would be a good idea?

IMG_92114) I went shopping for some green yarn to make another blanket (for a surprise-gift for a special someone) My husband saw some soft pearl yarn and thought it would make a pretty blanket too. So, now I have oodles of yarn to make 2 more nice soft blankets. I hope I can get them made before next winter.

0221151133-15) During the icy bout of cold weather we had, I had a fever blister break out on my top lip. I treated it with carmex for cold sores (camphor). It tastes awful and so when I saw a commercial for abreva, the fast acting treatment, as soon as we could get out the driveway to go to the store, I bought some. Wow, that stuff worked like a charm for me. I was almost totally healed up with in 2 days. It may not work for everyone and it’s quite pricey for the tiny tube, but to me, it was worth every dime.

I hope you all have a pleasant weekend of sunshine.clnflwrsds
