1-8-2017- weather report – frosty


Clear and cold.
Heavy Fog made a frozen coating on the trees & plants.
There’s still have quite a bit of snow laying around.
Hopefully there will be enough sunshine to melt it away.
The forecast for the highs today are near 30°.
We’re thankful for the clear skies.p1100963

I hope your 8th day of 2017 is sunny and pleasant.


1-7-2017- weather report – sunshine

14° Sunshine, clear and cold

Thankfully we didn’t get much snow. The sun is shining beautifully. The roads are already clear, so hopefully the snow will be gone by Monday.

My husband told me yesterday evening that now that we’ve had snow, he’s officially ready for Spring. lol I totally agreed with him.

Hope you all are having a pleasant weekend.p1100849


Weather Forecast Folklore

It’s been cloudy and rainy these first 3 days of 2017, the temperature has been between the 40’s and mid-60’s (Fahrenheit). It’s a nice 64° today, the sun even peeked out for a few scattered random minutes. I raced outside with my camera to try to get a photo of the sunshine. Unfortunately, everything is so tan, brown and gray winter colors that the sunshine didn’t show up. However, I managed to get a photo of the sun making shadows of our fence by my rainchain garden. And then the sun saw my camera and raced behind the clouds and the rains came again. No rainbow though.1-3-2017-sunspotDepending on what folklore one is exposed too, supposedly there’s certain days of the year that forecast the weather for other times of the year.
One of them I’ve heard is that the weather during the first 12 days of January is supposed to predict the weather for the 12 months of the year. So, based on that, it could be moderately cool and wet the next three months.1-3-2017-rainI guess, I should mention that in the lore the precipitation can be interchangeable: rain for snow, fog for rain. I guess wet and dampness equals any form of rain, snow, fog, ice or dew. Folklore is very flexible that way. 😉

Just for fun, I hope I can remember to make a note of the weather for all 12 days, to see how they compare to the rest of the months of the year.

How’s the weather been in your region so far this year?
Do you know any folklore about the first 12 days of a year and weather?
