Happy 7th Anniversary to me at WordPress!

Wow! 7 years with WordPress. I’ve had a few blogs open and close since I signed up with WordPress.
I enjoy sharing things and making blogging buddies. I look forward to more years of visiting your blogs and reading the wonderful thoughts you share.

To my Blogging Buddies, Readers and Visitors,
Thank you all!

Thank you WordPress for making such a great blogging community.



Potato Buckets & Squash

The potato buckets are proving to be an interesting experiment. The two potatoes I used came from the same bag, but the two plants look like two different varieties. One is a healthy green and looks like a regular potato plant. The other one is a dark green and has smaller leaves and the plant is puny. I’ve had to trim several of the leaves off the puny one because they were wilted. Unfortunately, Neither have bloomed. I’m curious to see how this experiment turns out.

Our squash is doing really well. We already have much more than we need.
Our cucumbers are producing just enough for us to enjoy with our meals.

That’s all my gardening updates for the moment.

I hope you all have a productive rest of the week.


1st tomatoes & cucumber – Baby Asparagus Beans & misc

P1020385We got a super tasty surprise when we went to the garden: 9 Husky Girl Cherry Tomatoes and 1 pickling cucumber.
We’re amazed at how early this year we got our first tomatoes and cucumber.
I grow pickling cucumbers strictly to eat. I like their taste better than the salad cucumbers. My husband has some  burp-less cucumbers growing. I hope they have as good of a flavor as these little ones do.
We had a nice snack of these tasty fresh veggies.P1020408

P1020436We have several baby asparagus beans. They’re long and scrawny and still growing. We hope they’ll fill out soon. It’ll be interesting to see how long they grow. We’re anxious to harvest a mess of them and see if they taste good. So far, the deer hasn’t bothered the asparagus beans nor the decorative corn. I hope our luck holds up with that.

P1020444Our regular bush green beans are trying to be productive, but as you can see in the photo, the deer have eaten the tops off of them. Hopefully, the beans that are growing on them now will get to mature and we’ll have at least one mess of regular green beans to cook.

P1020486The fan-fob is a bee-nursery again this year. Apparently only the lower fobs are in the right region of the universe for a nursery because the bees haven’t ever used the upper fobs.

P1020474Here’s our latest harvest of squash (and some of my herbs in the background) We’ve given away a lot of squash already. We like the sweeter taste of the yellow and golden squash better than the green squash.  I decided not to let my green egg squash plants continue to grow. I pulled them up and tossed them away. I’ve replanted a few more golden squash seeds and they’re already growing well. We won’t be hurting for squash. As you can see in the photo, we have more than plenty.

Happy Gardening!gardeningcouple

Nextbook Flexx 8.9 – disappointment

P1010382A couple weeks ago, I bought a Nextbook Flexx 8.9 2-in-1 Tablet. I didn’t really need it, but it had two prime selling points, one was the price of $89.00 and the other was that it has Windows 10. I’d been wanting a tablet with Windows on it because I didn’t have one.   Nextbook Flexx 8.9 has 32 GB of storage, but there’s only around 17.8 GB available after Windows does it’s thing right-off-the-bat. However, I thought that’d be enough since the storage can be expanded with a 64 GB SD card.

I absolutely loved the Nextbook Flexx 8.9, even after it kept updating and only left 12 GB of storage. I figured that was plenty. It was a sweet little device. Using it as a tablet or a mini laptop was fun. I was careful and didn’t put any files on it except for my homepage files which are only 1.2 mb. I used the sd card for photos and stuff.

Over the 13 days that I had it, it continued to update again and again until there was only a little over 8 GB free. I was so mad. I did a factory reset and put it in it’s box and returned it. I’m trying hard not to say something very unladylike about windows. ~stomps foot~

We have a couple Nextbook Ares 7 and we’ve put apps, games, photos, nook books, documents and some other things on them and their storage is holding up just fine; we still have 25 GB free of the original 32 GB after almost a year. That’s one of the biggest differences between the OS of an Android and Windows. Windows greedy os is really a bummer.

I’m sad that Windows started hogging my storage. I’m posting about my negative experience in case someone was in the market for a Nextbook Flexx 8.9, they might want to consider the storage situation.

I really would have loved to have kept the Nextbook Flexx 8.9, but the storage issue is an automatic game changer for me. I wish the 32 GB storage could’ve actually been the true amount and the Windows OS had it’s own storage amount separate from the 32 GB. (That’s the way it should be imo.)

Anyway, I’m glad I tried the Nextbook Flexx 8.9.  I had fun with it for a short while.

Have you had this experience with storage being hogged up by the OS and it’s updates on a new device?
Did you return the device or trade it for a bigger one?