Wildbird Wednesday (sort of) – Dummy Wren Nest

I learned something about wrens. I suppose a lot of folks know that the male wren builds a few dummy nests and then let’s his mate pick the one she wants to nest in. I didn’t know it and found it fascinating.

I came about this information while surfing around trying to find what kind of bird is building a best in one of  my Citronella Plants (mosquito plants). We bought two of them in hanging pots. In no time the plants outgrew the hanging pots and I transplanted them into 5 gallon buckets. I set them behind our table and chairs. They’ve grown beautifully and quickly.
(Yes, I know they really don’t repel mosquitoes unless you crush the leaves and rub the juices on your skin, however they grow beautifully in the shade and aren’t fussy if you miss a weekly watering every now and then.)

I noticed that something had been digging in one of them. We figured it was the resident squirrel that enjoys leaving walnut hills on our back porch and also digs in my flower beds.After a couple days pieces of moss showed up. Then shortly thereafter it was obvious it was being formed into a nest with each new bits of moss and twigs that showed up.It looks  pretty neat waiting for Mrs. Wren to make up her mind.
Wishing you all a great rest of the week!


10 thoughts on “Wildbird Wednesday (sort of) – Dummy Wren Nest

  1. I never knew that about wrens! I’ve had them nest in my hanging flowerpots before, at my dad’s there’s some under the deck and in his garage. I currently have some nesting in a space between the roof and awning. I worry about some I have seen nesting next door. The house next door is currently vacant but the recycle bin had been used by people who did some work in the house, to the point the bin is open slightly. I’ve seen the wrens nesting in there. I hate to think what’s going to happen to them when that bin finally gets set out for collection. 😕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks CW
      The dummy nest info was neat to discover. I can’t figure out why I never heard of it before.
      Aren’t birds a joy to watch. They adapt and thrive regardless of what we humans put in their way.
      I’m going to worry with you about the birds in the recycle bin. I hope the babies hatch out and fly before the bin is moved away. I wish WP had a fingers-crossed emoji, I’d put it right here.


    • Thanks so much Ginny
      It’s so fascinating what little things go on with wildlife and we’re rarely aware of it.Mrs. Wren has chosen the nest and hopefully, in a short while, there will be babies peaking out at the world. 🙂


  2. We love our little wrens around here, but had never heard about their dummy nests. We get so amused at the funny little places they choose to nest. Last year, it was inside a leather tool belt that was hanging from a nail in the old workshop. And, it was not a dummy nest!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cool Mary,
      I bet your homeplace is alive with the sound of birdsong. The birds are truly clever little builders. I agree they’re amusing in their choices of spots.. Aw, the leather tool belt nest sounds like such a fun place for them to have a nest. 🙂


    • I agree Sheryl
      I kind of feel sorry for the little male working so hard for his Mrs. to choose a nest. Clever little beauties they are. 🙂


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