Random Friday 5 +1

P1020947One of my favorite ways to cook squash is Parmesan Squash sticks baked in the oven. We like them room temperature and dip them in ranch dressing. The yellow squash are really tasty baked this way.

P1030089I cooked a mess of asparagus beans and also a mess of regular green beans to compare the taste. I used the same herbs/spices and cooked them the same length of time… all day long.
My husband and I agree we like the asparagus beans best. They had a richer sweeter flavor and delicious. It was a small amount of them that I’d picked and there wasn’t much of them so it was good that I also had the regular beans cooked too.
We’re anxiously awaiting some more asparagus beans to mature so we can enjoy another cooking of them. We’re also hoping to have enough to freeze some too.

P1030102There was 2 dozen of our green onions left in the garden and they were getting nice size. However, if a big enough rain comes, they’d take a second growth and ruin. So my husband harvested them and we cleaned/chopped/bagged and froze them.
I know, I know, folks think onions should be dried out and kept in a cool place… Unfortunately, everytime I’ve tried drying onions in their skins/stalks about 3/4 of them rot. So, this year we decided to freeze them. I like them frozen. I open the bag and take out what I need and return the rest to the freezer. The frozen onions are handier for cooking since they’re already cleaned and chopped.

P1030051I got a few more new tools. I used some of my husbands pliars and they were too awkward for my hands. I got a couple blisters from struggling with them. So, I bought me a set of pliars that ought to be more comfortably for me to use.

P1010262Do you know what this strange looking plug is for?  A couple of my cameras came with one of these. I looked it up and discovered that it’s a travel converter plug in for 110 to 220 Voltage.  It’s handy for it to come with a camera that has a battery charger, in case one decides to travel to other countries that have different voltage electrical outlets.

P1030062And as an added bonus, I wanted to post this photo of my harvest from the other day. Seeing freshly harvested veggies makes me happy. 🙂

Wishing you all a great weekend
of pleasant weather & happy harvests.