Stormy Wednesday – Shelibean – Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal

We’re in the midst of storms. It storms awhile and then stops awhile then repeats. I appreciate the rain, but the glay-gloomy cloud cover not so much. The thunder clashing, lightning flashing, rain pounding and the electricity flicking off and on just ruins Shelibean’s day. He sports his thunder-shirt and lays under a blanket as close to me as he can get. Bless his heart.

Here’s a photo of Sheli in his thunder-shirt that I took earlier this month. He was acting unsettled that day and I put his t-shirt on him and it calmed him. His thunder shirt is a neck tube with two slits cut for his front legs and a u shaped dip cut out from the bottom side to keep him getting it wet when he tinkles. As you can see, it’s a little big in the neck area and hangs low, but Sheli doesn’t seem to mind and it still serves the purpose. Shelibean’s home-fashioned thunder shirt has been a big help in keeping him more calm when he gets scared or unsettled.Here’s a few photos of a bright and fun couple that visits my herb bed alot. I think they’re cheerful bits of color to share on this gray gloomy day.

Wishing you all a cheerful Wednesday.


2018 WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth – Herbs

2018 WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge
Evoke the excitement of entering a new year
with a photo that shows growth

Right now it’s so cold in our region that the only thing that’s showing any growth around my home is one of my basil plants. I transplanted them from my herb bed last fall to a container to set on the window sill. I’m surprised one of them is doing so well. I haven’t had the heart to use it yet, but it’s just now finally tall enough to use. I’m going to start using a few of it’s leaves for seasoning food sometime soon.

Below is a photo I used in the WordPress Weekly Challenge last August for Textures.
The healthy growth of my herb bed evokes the excitement of the promise of a new gardening season in this new year .

 Wishing you all fun with another year
of the WordPress Weekly photo challenge!



Herb bed, Rose Cutting, a Chrysalis and stormy weather

We cleaned up the herb bed Sunday.
We cut back the Stevia and pulled up and bagged the dead herbs and flowers.
It looks better, but still sad after the lush year it had.
I discovered that my accidental rose cutting is trying to bud.
I’m so surprised. I doubt the weather stays warm long enough for it to bloom, but I’ll keep an eye on it and see how far along it gets.
My husband came in from working outside and told me to come and look at something. He said it was something I needed to see.
I followed him to the shed with my camera in hand.
He pointed to a space in the shed door and said, “Look at that.”
I was so tickled to see a black swallowtail butterfly chrysalis in the space. It’s overwintering there. How cool is that?
It’s been storming all night here and it’s still going on. It’s the whole show complete with lightning and sound effects along with curtains of wind and rain. Shelibean is not happy at all. He’s snuggled down under a blanket beside me feeling quite protected from the weather-at-large.

Here’s wishing you all gentle weather this Tuesday.


Rose cutting update & Basil Babies

My accidental rose cutting is thriving in the herb bed. I planted it close to the birdbath in hopes of giving it a bit of protection through the winter. I plan to transplant it next Spring to a more open spot. ~*~

I noticed some baby basil plants growing on the ground by the adult ones. I decided to try and get a couple to grow indoors for the winter. I have my doubts as to how long I can get them to survive in the house, but it’s worth a try. I found two nice size basil seedlings snuggled down between the rocks and stems of the adult plants. They’ve been quite well protected. I transplanted them in a small pot.I put netting over the pot to keep the bugs out. Our nights are quite cool now and since the babies don’t have the same protection around them, I bring them in at night and set them outside during the day.Hopefully they’ll continue to thrive and I’ll have fresh basil for a while.


My herb bed is full with the matured plants. It’s quite crowded and messy.
I’ve enjoyed my herb bed. I’m sad to know that soon it’ll go to sleep for winter.


My plans for next season are already in the making.
Just 5 to 6 months and
I’ll be back out there starting the gardening season again.
