4-2-2024 Gardening – greenhouse and more

My husband put up my small greenhouse. I’ll be trying to start some seeds soon. Even though it’s small, I really enjoy having it. I like that after I’m finished with it for the season, we can fold it up and store until next year.

I bought some ‘bright lights chard’ and ‘romaine lettuce’ to put in my greenhouse. It makes me happy to see the healthy plants in there. If we don’t eat them all first, I’ll transplant them to a pot and/or the garden.

I’m trying to get a few cuttings of roses, that were in my bouquet, to take root. There was one carnation stem that had buds, so I thought I’d give it a try too. I seriously doubt that any of them will take root, but it’s fun to try.
For the first time in my life, I used a root-starter to give the cuttings a better chance. So, maybe one will take root. I’ll let you know how they do.

We spent this past weekend working in the garden. My husband tilled the garden a few times, fertilized it and tilled it again, then made a few rows for me to plant onions and potatoes. We’re hopeful, we have a good foundation for a productive year, (if the weather and garden-pests play nice. 😉 )

Wishing you all an April full of pleasant weather and relaxing days!

2021-1st garden update – Onions, Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Spring has brought some wonderful weather.
We’ve began our gardening season.
I’m still using my Blue Jean Water Tote
that I made back in 2014. It’s held up really well.

I got two slips off the sweet potato vine.
Hopefully they’ll produce a sweet potato or two.
Happy Gardening Season!



March 2021 The Feeling of Spring is on it’s way

During the middle of February, our region got an ice-fall followed by a snowfall. Fortunately, it wasn’t dreadful, our region caught the edge of the artic blast that devastated so much of the country. The snow left long before the bitter temperatures did.

While the ground was covered in ice/snow, Spring seemed just a fairytale in a time far far away and the gardening season even further. It was out of our reach except in our memory, daydreams and picture books.
We’ve got Yukon gold potato sets, onions sets and a several packs of seeds on the ready to plant as soon as the weather breaks and last frost is a memory.
As I looked out across the snow covered yard to our garden spot, I longed for the gardening season to begin. Even though we’ve shrunk our garden to a small more manageable spot, it’s still a joy and relaxing to get out a work in. Plus the delicious veggies, oh yes.

As I was tidying up my potato bin, I found a sweet potato that apparently read my mind about missing gardening and felt sorry for me. It decided to break free of the plastic microwavable bag and grow.
Well, cool, I’ve been wanting to start a sweet potato vine, I just didn’t think the pre-treated microwave ready bagged ones would grow. Guess I was wrong.
I fixed it a small jar of water and set it in the window to see if it would grow further. In the above photo, except for the toothpicks, is how it was straight out of the potato bin. It was giving it a wonderful effort to grow.
I had my doubts that it was going to do anything for the first week and a half, then it surprised me with roots and lovely little green leaves. Feels like a bit of Spring in my home. 😀
It looks as if, I might get 2 or 3 slips (vines) to plant in the garden. If I can keep the vines alive, Hopefully, they’ll grow a sweet potato or two for us to have for dinner this Summer. ;D

My daffodils are blooming. They are such a cheerful spot of color against the gray and browns that dominate the landscape.
I was going to skip mentioning the folk lore of ‘snow lays once on daffodils’… however… I went surfing and from a quick look, the lore is disappearing off the net. There are fewer mentions of it now, so I feel I should go ahead and give it this quick mention lest it is forgotten.
There’s an old saying that’s been passed down, in many southern families, for oodles of generations, that says,
‘snow lays once on daffodils’.
Without fail, even if it’s just a dusting or light snow, every year, the saying holds true.
I never was clear on if the snow has to be after they bloom, so whenever it snows and the stems are up, I take photos and hope for the best.

As an added thought here:
I feel like we all need to keep some of the fun lores going, if for no other reason than to give newer and future generations a much needed chuckle for the day.

Do you have any pleasant or fun lore that you and your family pass down through the generations?

I wish you all a week of Sunshine and Smiles.





2020 Gardening and A Lily-Bug

So far this season, We’ve had good crops of most things. We got about 50 or 60 pounds of potatoes. It’s been quite dry and the squash plants didn’t get half the size they should have. Our corn is maybe only 4 1/2 feet tall and loaded in ears.

Fortunately, we haven’t had much problems with insect-pests this year. We haven’t seen a bean beetle, tater-bug, squash-bug, horn worm nor cut worms. This is an absolute first for us. It’s a blessing, but also kind of odd feeling. Early in the season, We experienced a short-lived threat from flea beetles on the potato plants. The lady bugs moved in and took control and the flea beetle invasion was resolved.

As for 4 legged critters: deer and rabbits, well they’ve been enjoying our garden and wiped all our beans and one row of cucumbers. The deer keep the tomato plants trimmed back a bit.

We discovered recently that there’s been a 2 legged critter in our garden and it helped itself to some of our biggest green tomatoes and possibly some other stuff. The way we know it’s not a deer thief is that the vines are damaged where deer snack on them. However, The vines are in tack right down to the tomato caps where our large green tomatoes have disappeared, so only a bi-ped could accomplish that feat.
You may ask, How do we feel about someone taking our produce? Well, we’re a bit sad that the person didn’t just come and ask for the vegetables. We’d have gladly shared, since our garden produces more than we need. We hope whoever took the vegetables has good health and benefits from them.

I haven’t done any crafting for the past few months. I’ve lost my inspiration. I hope to find inspiration again someday. So, I don’t really have anything to post about unless it’s a holiday and I post a greeting.

For now, I’m like the little lady bug in my lily.
I’m hunkered down and praying for a miracle.

I send huge wishes for health and happiness to you all.




2020 Garden Update & Shelibean’s Good Attitude

Sheli’s photo expresses how life has been going around my home… And I’m guessing it may be the way life is going for some other folks homes as well.
I wish you all the best of health and happiness. Big hugs to you all!
We got most of our garden planted over the past few weeks. We’ve still got a few things to go. It helps, to add cheer to our life, walking to the garden and seeing the plants growing with a promise of veggies to come… or a promise of watching deer and bunnies feasting on our plants. 😉
Happy gardening!