Unique Lovely Lily & issue update

I was taking photos in my Lily patch and came across this lovely 2 color lily. It’s so unique and fun. It made me smile. I don’t recall ever seeing it bloom before.
A couple years ago we bought several different varieties of lilies for the front yard. There’s quite a bit of shade in our front yard, but we figured the lilies would do okay. Unfortunately, we were wrong, they didn’t do well and barely grew or bloomed.
Last year, We made a lily patch in the back yard, in an area of full sun, and transplanted the front yard lilies to it. All the lilies took off growing and have thrived wonderfully.


My Blog Issue Update:
I can surf blogs with other browsers, fairly well now, but not for posting and commenting.
I’m using a Chrome browser for posting today. I want to see if it helps my issues before I contact WP support.
So far, so good…
I’m going to try and visit and comment using Chrome.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to visit and do a bit of catching up with you all.
Wish me luck 🙂

Wishing you all a beautiful week free of issues.







Lilies & Zinnias – low maintenance lovelies

We’ve spent quite a lot of time outside enjoying the colors of Summer. I never tire of seeing the flowers in bloom. Right now the lilies and zinnias are making a show. I’ve kept my camera busy. For me, the fun things about my lilies and zinnias are that the lilies are perennial and require very little maintenance and the zinnias are all volunteers from last year’s zinnias and require no/low maintenance as well. Pretty neat 😀

Wishing everyone a beautiful week!



Spring Signs

0-buttersI went for a walk to see the signs of spring during our oddly warm days. I was surprised to see a buttefly. The weather has been gorgeous. The trees and flowers are budding and growing.
We could still have some freezing weather this winter. It’s a long time until last frost.
My mini-daffodils are blooming and there is an old saying about ‘snow falling on daffodils once’… but since mine aren’t the classic kind, they may not count. Meanwhile, we’ll enjoy the pleasant weather while it’s here.0-dafi

Wishing you all a pleasant week.


Garden Update – 6-8-2015

Wishing you all happiness with your
outdoor projects this gardening season.