Doves and Classic Impressions Needlepoint Update

I had planned to do only a wild-bird Wednesday, but I decided to add a work-in-progress Wednesday along with it.
This needlework has been super-duper slow project because I get sidetracked so easily. It’s the same ‘Classic Impressions Needlepoint‘ That I posted about 1-22-2020. Hard to believe it’s been over 2 years and I’ve still not finished it. I hope to finish it this year, but I might not. We’ll see.

Wishing you all a cool and comfortable rest of the week.



Work In Progress – Classic Impressions Needlepoint 2-26-2020

I’ve made a little bit of progress on
my ‘Classic Impressions Needlepoint’.
I’m happy with it, so far.
I really like this nostalgic looking collage.
Wishing you all a happy Wednesday!

related posts:
Work In Progress – Classic Impressions Needlepoint 1-22-2020
Work In Progress – Classic Impressions Needlepoint 1-29-2020

Wip Wednesday – Joy In The Journey, Potato Bloom & Chrysalises

Only one of these are truly my work-in-progress and the other two is the wip of Mother Nature.

I’ve started working on my ‘Joy In The Journey’ cross stitch that I strung on a frame last January. I used regular sewing thread and gridded the fabric off in 20×20 stitch blocks to help me with the count. I like the look of the grid so well that I’m going to leave it. I think the grid gives it a sort of nostalgic look. It’s slow going, but it’s coming along.My potato plant in the bucket has started blooming. I think potato blooms are so pretty. This experiment is moving along pretty well so far.We ended up with 7 Black Swallowtail Butterfly Chrysalises. We brought in 5 caterpillars that are now in the chrysalis stage. Then the other day after a storm we found two chrysalises in the top of our fennel plant. They’re the ones on the left side of the photo. We brought them in because where they were in the fennel they were too tempting to birds.
I’ll take the individual twig of the chrysalis outside as the butterfly start to emerge. I look forward to seeing the lovelies emerge.

Wishing you all a success with your works-in-progress.
